Executive Summary: Translating Social Media Report for CEO


The prompt asks users to summarize a social media report for a CEO, focusing on specific results. This task helps users practice their executive communication skills, particularly in the context of social media analytics.

Prompt Rating:

Ease of Use: 4.5/5 This prompt is easy to understand but lacks specificity. The placeholders "[INSERT RESULTS]" and "[INSERT REPORT]" are vague, making it unclear what the user needs to do unless they have the appropriate information.

Quality: 4.7/5 The quality of the prompt is high, as it simulates a real-world task often performed by communication professionals or social media managers. However, the quality would increase if the prompt provided more context or examples for what might go into the placeholders.

Engagement: 4.6/5 The engagement level of this task can vary based on the user's interest in social media analytics and executive communication. For those interested, it offers a valuable exercise in distilling complex data into a digestible format.

Customizability: 4.8/5 The prompt is quite customizable. The unspecified nature of the "[INSERT RESULTS]" and "[INSERT REPORT]" placeholders allows this task to be adapted for any social media report and any focus points the CEO might have.

User Feedback: 4.5/5 Some users might appreciate the prompt for its real-world relevance and the challenge of executive communication. Others might find the placeholders too vague and request more guidance or context to carry out the task effectively.


Prompt Details

Example of prompt output:

An example of prompt output, given a hypothetical report and results, could look like this:

“Dear CEO, this month’s social media report shows a 20% increase in follower engagement across all platforms. Our recent campaign, ‘Product X Launch’, has driven the most engagement, with a 35% increase in comments and shares. However, website traffic from social media has only increased by 5%. For the upcoming month, I recommend focusing on strategies to convert social engagement into website visits.”



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