Interactive Analytical Essay Construction


The prompt “Interactive Analytical Essay Construction” exhibits a high degree of customization and engagement potential, promoting active and in-depth exploration of any given topic. The complexity of the prompt might pose a challenge for some users, thereby impacting the ease of use and user feedback. However, it sets a high standard for quality content generation and offers ample room for creativity.

Prompt Rating:

Ease of Use: 3/5 The prompt is relatively complex. It requires users to have a specific subject for analysis, decide on a word limit, writing skill level, and tone, all of which may intimidate beginners or casual users. However, for those who have clear parameters and purpose in mind, it is relatively straightforward.

Quality: 4/5 This prompt stands out due to its quality in enabling users to generate content based on a wide range of input criteria. Its instructional nature provides a clear guideline for users on how to make use of the model effectively.

Engagement: 4.5/5 The engagement score is high since the prompt invites the users to delve deeper into their thoughts on a chosen topic. It encourages active participation and promotes thoughtful discussion.

Customizability: 5/5 The prompt's strengths lie in its flexibility and customizability, allowing the users to dictate various aspects like length, difficulty level, and tone, which can be easily adapted to different subjects.

User Feedback: 3/5 User feedback would likely vary with some users appreciating the flexibility and structure provided, while others might find it complex and difficult to use without clear instructions.


Prompt Details

Example of prompt output:

User: Craft an analytical essay on the book “1984” by George Orwell. I want a 1000 words essay, my skill level is intermediate, and I would prefer a formal and analytical tone.

Assistant: (Generates a well-structured, analytical essay on the book “1984” that meets user criteria)



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