Platform Pivots: Converting a LinkedIn Post into a Comedic TikTok Script


This prompt tasks users with translating a LinkedIn post into a funny TikTok script, encouraging creative reinterpretation and highlighting the need to adapt content to different social media platforms’ unique styles and audiences.

Prompt Rating:

Ease of Use: 4.5/5 The task is clear: convert a LinkedIn post into a TikTok script. The requirement of humor adds a level of complexity, given the traditionally serious nature of LinkedIn content.

Quality: 4.6/5 This prompt's quality is high, reflecting a real-world task that content creators or social media managers often face. The user must understand the different tonal and stylistic demands of LinkedIn and TikTok.

Engagement: 4.6/5 The prompt is engaging as it challenges users to be creative and comedic while repurposing professional content for a platform known for its lighthearted and entertaining content.

Customizability: 4.8/5 This prompt is highly customizable as it can be adapted to a variety of LinkedIn posts, each leading to a different comedic interpretation for TikTok.

User Feedback: 4.5/5 Most users would appreciate this task, especially those interested in content creation, comedy, and understanding the nuances of different social media platforms. Some might find the comedic element challenging.


Prompt Details

Example of prompt output:

Given a hypothetical LinkedIn post, “Just closed a major deal with a new client. Feeling grateful for my dedicated team and looking forward to the challenges ahead,” an example output could be:

“Voiceover: ‘When you’re too professional to celebrate a deal the normal way.’ [Clip of user in suit, shaking hands with a teddy bear as if closing a deal] Voiceover: ‘So, you thank your ‘team’.’ [User high-fives a row of plants.] Voiceover: ‘And get ready for more ‘challenges’.’ [User flexes and shadowboxes.]”


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