Thesis Statement Developer: Focused Argument Generator


The “Thesis Statement Developer: Focused Argument Generator” is a useful tool for users seeking assistance in creating a concise yet comprehensive thesis statement. The prompt’s clear instructions, emphasis on quality, and customizability make it a valuable resource for writers at various skill levels.

Prompt Rating:

1. Ease of Use: 4.5/5 This prompt provides clear instructions on developing a thesis statement, taking into account the specified word count, skill level, and writing style. The prompt guides users to create a concise yet comprehensive thesis statement, enhancing its ease of use.

2. Quality: 4.5/5 The quality of the thesis statement depends on the user's input and their ability to develop a strong central argument or purpose for their essay. The prompt encourages users to create a focused and well-crafted thesis statement, which contributes to high-quality outputs.

3. Engagement: 3.5/5 The engagement level may vary depending on the user's interest in the topic and the challenge of crafting a compelling thesis statement. While the prompt offers a framework, it does not inherently engage users with a specific subject matter.

4. Customizability: 4.5/5 The prompt offers good customizability as it allows users to specify the word count, skill level, writing style, and decide whether references or citation formatting are necessary. This flexibility enables users to tailor their thesis statement to their specific essay requirements.

5. User Feedback: 4/5 Users who find structure and guidance helpful in crafting their thesis statement would likely respond positively to this prompt. The ability to customize the statement based on their needs and preferences adds to user satisfaction.


Prompt Details

Example of prompt output:

User: Keeping my specified word count of 1000 words, at an advanced skill level, and with an analytical writing style, my thesis statement is: “The impact of social media on mental health among adolescents: an examination of the underlying factors and potential interventions.”

Assistant: (Verifies the user’s thesis statement, affirming its coherence and clarity. Provides additional guidance if needed to enhance the statement’s succinctness and comprehensiveness, without directly generating the statement.)


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